Friday, August 26, 2011

Nautical/Coastal Themed Rehearsal Dinner Invitation Drafts

So my brother and his fiancé Lanie are getting married on October 8th.  I am so excited for them.  This has been a long time coming, much like  mine and Drew's wedding.  They actually starting dating before me and Drew, so I already consider Lanie part of the family!  I'm honored to have her as a soon-to-be sister!

I can't wait to share the design I created for their wedding invitations.  They turned out so classic and beautiful.  I also can't wait to share the design she picked for the rehearsal dinner invitation (which is NONE of what you will see below.)  It is quite unique and it was definitely my favorite too!  I will share it and the wedding invitation once the dates have past!

In the meantime, here are some of the other designs I gave her to choose from.  The information on them isn't even correct, so they were literally just drafts.  (I have to throw that out there in case any of my family reads this, thinks that this is the correct time, address, etc. and marks their calendars.)  I was trying to design something with Jarrod in mind this time instead of just Lanie.  Since the groom typically lets his family plan the rehearsal dinner, I knew he'd want to send out something that he'd approve of... something elegant and not too feminine.  Sometimes people think vintage can only be feminine, but I think these drafts prove otherwise.  Let's just say that the one they chose is green hued and has a nautical map on it!  That should suffice for masculinity!

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